Verifying a patient is quite sensitive, especially if not correctly advised.
If you are an employer, please obtain consent from your employee for them to provide their medical documents and this must be reviewed by a suitable qualified occupational health professional.
Navigating the legal landscape of medical cannabis in the UK can be challenging. To support patients, we’ve compiled a list of legal services specialising in medical cannabis law. If you know of additional services that should be included, please contact us with the details.
Are you concerned about your employment due to your use of medical cannabis? Don’t worry, as long as your job doesn’t require you to operate heavy machinery or have specific job requirements, your medical information is confidential and you don’t have to disclose it.
If you need to speak to someone about issues with your employer please contact ACAS or your local Citizens Advice Bureau. We do not provide legal advice, if you require legal support please contact a specialist employment lawyer.
If you need medication while abroad, consult a pharmacy or healthcare provider for guidance. Keep in mind that the appearance and name of your prescribed medication may vary in other countries, and the active ingredients might differ.
After your trip, if you required additional medication supplies or started new medication abroad, it’s recommended to see your regular doctor for follow-up. If you feel unwell after traveling, seek advice from your GP or pharmacist.
Check out our table of information for popular holiday destinations. This table will gradually grow and change as we receive responses from individual countries.
Patients with a legal medical cannabis prescription should be treated the same as any other medical patient with a condition or disability.
We have seen that many patients are being refused entry to certain venues do to possessing their medical cannabis prescription, although this is completely unlawful. This is due to the lack of information that is shared and that many are unaware medical cannabis was legalised on the 1st November 2018.
Always try to contact the venue ahead of time to inform them and their security of your medical cannabis prescription and that you may be required to consume it as prescribed. You do not need to tell them what your condition/disability is. If you are being challenged by security or even the police in the UK, remind them of the Equality Act 2010 and cite the below sections. If you continue to have issues you should contact the venue management and make a complaint as you will be entitled to a full refund and compensation to cover costs, to and from the venue.
Check out our table of approved venues that allow the use of legally prescribed medical cannabis on their premises. (Please review the information for each venue before your visit)
Is Cannabis Legal In The UK?
Cannabis has been legal on prescription in the UK since 1st November 2018. Only specialist doctors on the GMC register can prescribe. Only a limited number of patients are prescribed by the NHS however, tens of thousands have signed up to private medical cannabis clinics across the UK.
How Do I Become A Medical Cannabis Patient?
To become a medical cannabis patient in the UK, you need to have a condition that can be treated with cannabis. If you suffer from psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar and some heart conditions you may find it challenging to get a medical cannabis prescription. Do not fear, if one clinic won’t accept you another may be able to provide treatment.
Is Medical Cannabis Available On The NHS?
Yes, medical cannabis is available on the NHS. Although, only a handful of patients are offered this treatment by the NHS. Whereas tens of thousands of patients receive treatment privately.
Is Medical Cannabis Expensive?
Medical Cannabis accessed privately can be costly. Costs of consultations and medication have reduced over time, there are even more subsidised schemes available to patients allowing for cheaper treatment plans.
Can I Take My Cannabis Prescription Abroad?
Yes! Some countries will allow you to take your medical cannabis with you and even some airlines may make reasonable adjustments to allow you to medicate on the flight if required.
Check out our list of countries that allow travel with medical cannabis here: Click Here!
Can I Use My Medical Cannabis Prescription In Public?
Patients prescribed any medication should not be discriminate or prevented from treating themselves when necessary, which is defined within the Equality Act 2010. Although some venues won’t allow you to vaporise in the premises, service providers must make reasonable adjustments and accommodate patient needs.
Find venues that permit the use of medical devices on site: Click Here!
And find your nearest medical cannabis consumption lounge: Click Here!
Will I Have Issues At Work Because Of My Medical Cannabis Prescription?
Employees have rights to consume medication that improves their health and work ethics. Although, some jobs may require individuals not on certain medications. If this is the case, employees must undertake a risk assessment and make reasonable adjustments accordingly.
Find out more about your rights as an employee and what employers must do to ensure a safe and inclusive working environment: Click Here!
What Can I Do If I'm Not Happy With A Service or Product?
If you receive services or products that you are not satisfied with, you can follow our guides here: Click Here!