Travellers entering or leaving Malta carrying medicines for personal use should carry on them a medical prescription/certificate from a registered medical practitioner which covers their stay in Malta or abroad. It is always advisable to carry medicines within the original packaging to aid identification of the medicinal product. The amount should be equivalent to the duration of stay.
In case that the medicine is a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance, a Schengen medical certificate would also be appropriate if the country of destination or country of departure is a Schengen state. Residents in Malta who want to travel to another Schengen state and who need to carry with them a narcotic drug and/or psychotropic substance require a valid Schengen medical certificate. Both sides of the certificate (valid for up to a maximum period of 30 days) have to be printed. Medical practitioners are to fill in sections A, B and C only whilst subsequently Section D is to be authenticated by the Drug Control Unit at Out-Patients Department, Ground floor, St Luke’s Hospital, Gwardamanġa.
Necessary Details
Travelers entering or leaving Malta carrying medicines for personal use should carry on them a medical prescription/certificate from a registered medical practitioner which covers their stay in Malta or abroad. It is always advisable to carry medicines within the original packaging to aid identification of the medicinal product. The amount should be equivalent to the duration of stay.
Contact Details/Documents
Medical: Legal
Recreational: Legal