
Referring to your email please be informed that Croatian legislation allows entering of drugs for personal use of travelers in amounts necessary for a treatment up to a month (provided that they are approved by the competent authority or the manufacturer) and with possession of the relevant medical records ( medical history , confirmed by the doctor/gp).  

Entering medicines containing the narcotic substance, also for the personal needs of passengers is possible in the amount needed for maximum of five days of treatment, and also with possession of medical records (copies of prescriptions for medication, medical history or certified medical certificate). In the case of persons who are in substitution treatment of the disease of addiction and treatment of malignant disease, the allowed amount can be up to 15 days of treatment for personal use.  

Exceptionally, residents in the Republic of Croatia who are traveling to the Schengen area can possess a medicine that contains the narcotic substance in the quantities needed for personal use of up to 30 days on the basis of a certificate on the prescribed form issued by an authorized physician (doctor/gp or specialist).  

Necessary Details

Entering medicines containing the narcotic substance, for the personal needs of passengers is possible in the amount needed for maximum of five days of treatment, and also with possession of medical records (copies of prescriptions for medication, medical history or certified medical certificate)

Contact Details/Documents



Medical: Legal

Recreational: Decriminalised

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