
You may carry medication to Spain if it has been prescribed by a doctor, bought legally in the United Kingdom, it is for your own use and for the rational dosage which you may require for your trip.             

The maximum quantity in any case is the equivalent for 3 months treatment.              

We advice you to travel with your doctor’s letter and/or a copy of the prescription and to take the medication in the original packaging. Always carry medicines and medical equipment (needles, syringes and so on) in their original, correctly labelled packages. Carry your medicine in your hand luggage (although check your airline’s regulations before travelling) with a copy of your prescription. (for the UK).  

Bear in mind that, although you may carry medication as mentioned above, a personal license may be needed to take controlled medicines abroad. If due to your treatment you are travelling with medication which contains a substance under international control, you are required to obtain previous authorization by the Spanish Medicines Agency.  

To confirm whether a particular substance is under special control, you should check with the mentioned Agency. You can request it by e-mail at            

In your application you must include: country of origin, length of your trip, trip start and end date, patient’s data (name, surnames, date and place of birth, ID or passport number) and address where you going to stay.  

You should also provide an official medical certificate (signed and stamped) containing: doctor registration number, the reasons for the treatment, dosage, international nonproprietary name of the prescribed drug, concentration of active substance, total quantity, and that information which may be relevant. All the documents you send need to have PDF format.              

Necessary Details

– Email the Spanish Medicines Agency –  





Nombre y apellidos / Name, first name:

Domicilio / Address: usual address, with your current zip code

D.N.I. / Passport: attaching a copy (PDF format)

Sexo / Sex:

Lugar de nacimiento / Place of birth:

Fecha de nacimiento / Date of birth:

Nacionalidad / Nationality:

Email de Contacto / Contact Email:

Datos del Viaje


País de destino / Destination country: España

Dirección de destino/ Destination address:

Duración del viaje / Duration of travel:

Fecha Prevista de Inicio / Date of arrival:

Fecha Prevista de Fin / Date of end:

Observaciones /Observations: Attaching transport tickets (PDF)


If you are going to study/work in Spain :Certificate from the university or centre where you are going to study/work

Datos del Médico

Prescribing doctor

Nombre y apellidos / Name, first name:

Nº colegiado / License nº:

Nombre del Centro / Medical Center:

Dirección / Address:

Teléfono de Contacto / Contact Phone:

Fax de Contacto / Contact Fax:

Email de Contacto / Contact Email:


Prescribed drug

Nombre Comercial / Trade Name:

Presentación. / Dosage Form:

Posología / Posology:

Sustancia Activa / Active Substance:

Concent. Sust. Activa / Concent. of Act. Substance (por unidades de dosificación):

Cantidad Total / Total Quantity:

Unidades Totales / Total Unit:

Observaciones /Observations: Attaching a medical report in PDF format and the original prescription.*

Contact Details/Documents


Medical: Decriminalised

Recreational: Decriminalised

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